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Y8 BMS Christmas Geography

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Before Christmas lights were invented, what did people put on their Christmas tree?
What does Santa leave in a naughty child’s stocking?
A lump of coal
In Christmas Carol, what is the second name of Ebenezer?
When were Christmas crackers introduced?
Which country sends a big Christmas Tree to London almost every year?
Which coastal management strategy is used to reduce the impact of Longshore Drift?
What is hard engineering on rivers?
Putting in place a physical barrier between the land and the river.
What are the three ways floods are managed?
Increase capacity, increase velocity, and reduce discharge
What is the name given to silt and sediment deposited by a river during times of flooding?
What do we call the coastal management strategy where we add sand to a beach?
Beach nourishment
Which process is associated with the formation of spits?
What are estuaries?
Areas where fresh water rivers meet the sea.
What are levees?
Raised river banks
How can we calculate the length of one S shaped meander?
Multiple the width of the river by 6
Caves, arches, stacks, and stumps are which type of landform, erosional or depositional?
Which process moves sediment along a coastline in a zig-zag pattern?
Longshore drift
What is an Oxbow lake?
An oxbow lake is a C shaped lake found close to a river.
On which side of a meander does the river travel fastest?
What are the two types of wave?
Constructive and destructive
Name two hard engineering methods used on coasts?
Any two of the following: groynes, gabions, sea wall, rock armour, revetments
Which of these four is not a way material is transported in a river?​ Traction​ Abrasion ​ Saltation ​ Solution
Abrasion – it is a type of erosion
What are the two large scale types of erosion in rivers?
Lateral and vertical
In the story A Christmas Carol, how many ghosts visit Scrooge?
4 - Jacob Marley and the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future
TRUE or FALSE: There is a town called Santa Claus
TRUE - Santa Claus is the name of a town in Indiana in the USA
Which TV family has a pet called Santa's Little Helper?
The Simpsons
Plant trees, dam, embankments, and flood warnings are four of the flood management strategies we have studied. What are the other four?
Flood plain zoning, river straightening, flood relief channels, river restoration
Which of the following does NOT describe material usually found in the upper course? Angular / Jagged / Rounded / Large
What are the four types of erosion?
Hydraulic action / Attrition / Abrasion / Solution (Corrosion)
Estuaries and flood plains are found in which course of a river?
Lower course
What is another name for the water cycle?
Hydrologic Cycle
Which land form is created by cutting off a meander?
Oxbow lake
What do we call the place where on river joins another?
What is the main process that occurs at estuaries?
Along a river, we find v-shaped valleys in which course?
The upper course
How many times does the number one appear on an advent calendar with twenty-four doors?
Which Christmas song includes the line, "Dashing through the snow"?
Jingle Bells
How many of Santa's reindeers' names start with D?
Which of the following is NOT another name for Father Christmas? Noel Baba / Sinterklaas / Krampus / Agios Vassilis
Which of the following is NOT one of Santa's reindeer? Donder / Meteor / Dancer / Vixen
In the 12 Days of Christmas, how many "geese a-laying" were given?
On the fourth day of Christmas, what did my true love give me?
Four calling birds