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History 14 Death of Alexander

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was Alexander doing when he died?
PLANNING vhis next INVASION (of Arabia and beyond!).
What's a DYNASTY?
It's a ROYAL FAMILY. The children SUCCEED their parents as rulers.
Which of Alexander's generals became a PHARAOH?
Who was the "ONE-EYED GENERAL?"
What does the word "DIADOCHI" mean?
It's Greek for "SUCCESSOR."
Where did Alexander die?
Babylon (city).
What's POISON?
Something that causes HARM/INJURY/DEATH when ABSORBED/INGESTED into the body.
What's a DISEASE? Name one.
Illness/Sickness. Spread by contagions and toxic environments. (cancer, plague, etc.)
What's a MYSTERY? What do you do with one?
It's something unknown and confusing. You find clues to solve it.
What is a SUCCESSOR?
Somebody/Something that follows after another. Usually a king/queen/kingdom.