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Y7 BMS Christmas Geography

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which country sends a big Christmas Tree to London almost every year?
In which modern-day country was Saint Nicholas born?
What made Frosty come to life in the song “Frosty the Snowman”?
An old silk hat
How many lords are leaping in ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ song?
Which fairy tale were the first gingerbread houses inspired by?
Hansel and Gretel
What is the best selling Christmas song ever?
White Christmas by Bing Crosby
When calculating time taken, how much time do we add for every 10m change in elevation?
1 minute
What is Mexico’s largest biome?
What is the imaginary line that surrounds the north pole called?
The Arctic Circle
What is the most accurate way to measure distance on a map?
The string method
What is a way point?
A point of interest on a route, that is easily identifiable on a map and in the real world.
True or false: ​ Croatia, Spain, Greece, and Italy are located in Southern Europe.
What do we call the north on a map?
Grid North
What is magnetic north?
The north that compass arrows point towards.
True or false: ​ All non-renewable source of energy are infinite, meaning they will never run out.
What does “land use” mean?
The way in which land is used by people
What is scale on a map?
Scale, on a map, shows how much bigger the real world is than the map.
The world is divided into how many time zones?
Lines of longitude are also known as?
Why do we use six-figure grid references?
To give exact locations on a map
What are the horizontal gridlines that move northward on a map called?
Which ocean is between Asia and North America?
How many times does the number one appear on an advent calendar with 24 doors?
Which Christmas song includes the line: "Dashing through the snow"
Jingle Bells
How many oceans are there?
Shanghai is in which country?
Which ocean's name begins with P?
Which ocean is between South America and Antarctica?
The Southern Ocean
How many continents are there?
Which of these IS shown on an OS map? Traffic / Scale / Time / Weather / House numbers
What does it mean if contour lines on a map are close together?
The land is steep
What do contour lines on a map represent?
Height above sea level
In the 12 Days of Christmas, how many geese a-laying where given?
How many of Santa's reindeer's names start with D?
Which of the following is NOT one of Santa's reindeer? Donder / Dancer / Meteor / Vixen
On the fourth day of Christmas, what did my true love give me?
Four calling birds
Why do we use a 16 point compass?
To give more accurate directions
On a 16 point compass what does WSW stand for?
West South West
On a 16 point compass what does NNW stand for?
North North West
What does OS stand for?
Ordinance Survey
What are the three Norths?
True, Magnetic, Grid