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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell me 3 false friends we have learnt (company)
assist / attend / agenda / diary / refreshment
What do we do with mail which says "confidential"?
Give it in person to the person (not in the basket to distribute it with the rest)
organisation of transport of goods
shipping arrangements
When you earn a lot of money, your company ...
makes profit
The person who produces goods is the ...
keep dry/ this side up/ handle with care are...
special instructions
If a company wants details about its accounts / movements, they would look for...
bank statements
When a client is unhappy about something, they would contact...
customer complaint
Mail that is addressed to places outside the country is ...
What process do we follow with incoming mail?
Stamp the correct date / document the mail in the mail log / sort it out and distribute it
Should you share your username and password with anyone? And other employees?
no and no
Four things you can do with a message:
delete / retrieve / replay / rewind / fast forward / save
Auricular - cable - altavoz
Receiver - cord - loudspeaker
Name three things an administrative assistand does (i.e.,: answer incoming calls, deliver messages and send e-mails)
Screen calls, distribute incoming mail, updating mailing lists, type agendas, take minutes, assist in presentations, spreadsheets.
The reception desk is in the ...
lobby / hall
What department takes care of the company's computers?
IT Department
Who is the head of a company?
CEO / senior management