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Physical features of the world

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is the major drainage system of North America?
South America is the fifth largest country in the world. True or False
False. Its the fourth largest.
Give one difference between Rocky and Appalachian mountain.
Rocky mountains are younger. Appalanchian mountain are in east and Rocky in the west
What is Cordillera and where is it situated?
A system of mountain ranges that often consist of a number of more or less parallel chains. They are extensive features in America.
Lumbering is traditionally done in the winter season. Explain why.
Because the sap ceases to flow and the ground is covered with snow. There is easy availability of labour(lumberjacks) during winter.
Which of the following lakes is not a part of the “Great Lakes?” a)Lake Superior b)Lake Huron c)Great Slave Lake d)Lake Michigan
Great Slave Lake
North America is located in which hemisphere?
Western and Northern hemisphere
Where is the Grand Canyon situated and why is it so famous?
Its situated by the Colorodo RIver in the high plateau region of Arizona,US. Its famous for its shape and color. An important place for geological research.
What is the latitudinal extent of South America? a)10°N- 45°S b)13°N- 55°S
13 N - 55 S
I am an island at the entrance of river Hudson where the famous Statue of Liberty is situated. Who am I?
Liberty Island
Which of the following connects South America to North America? a)Isthmus of Panama b)Canadian Shield c)Atlantic Ocean d)Equator
Isthmus of Panama
Give two ways in which a sailor can find his way across the sea without GPS.
Pole star, Magnetic compass, Sunrise and set...
The Canadian Shield region is full of lakes. Give one reason to support this statement.
Any correct statement
Andes are ________ kind of mountains. a)Residual mountains b)Fold mountains
Fold Mountains
What is cartography?
Mapping places
Which type of map shows the boundaries of countries and states?
Which of the following is not made to scale? a)Plan b)Map c)Globe d)Sketch
Give one difference between a map and a globe.
Any 1 difference