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NIk4_Review for 1st term test

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is this structure famous?
It’s famous because it has…………………………………….
What materials did they use to build the Eiffel Tower?
I think they used …………………………………….
What materials did they use to build the burj khalifa?
I think they used …………………………………….
Name this famous structure
Golden gate bridge
Name this famous structure
Great Pyramid of Giza
Name this famous structure
Name this famous structure
Name this famous structure
Statue of Liberty
Name this famous structure
Empire State Building
Name this famous structure
Burj Khalifa
Name this famous structure
Eiffel Tower
What will you eat to be healthier?
I won't eat .......................
What will you eat to be healthier?
I will eat more ....................
Is it good or bad for you? Why?
It’s………………..for me because it has…………………..
Is it good or bad for you? Why?
It’s………………..for me because it has…………………..
Why do you like it?
Because it's .............
Why do you like it?
Because it's .............
What’s your favourite food?
My favorite food is .................
How is it cooked?
How is it cooked?
How is it cooked?
What food group is this?
What food group is this?
What food group is this?
What food group is this?
What food group is this
fruit and vegetables