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Light or Heat Energy

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of these objects emit artificial light?
Glow worm
Which of these objects emit natural light?
Mention 3 objects that produce heat energy
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Mention 3 objects that produce artificial light.
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Mention 3 objects that produce natural light.
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What´s light ?
It´s a form of energy that lets us see objects.
What type of energy is bright?
light energy
What type of energy is hot?
heat energy
What melts ice cream?
heat energy
What can keep you warm?
heat energy
What can cook food?
heat energy
What comes from fire?
heat energy
What comes from stoves?
heat energy
What helps plants grow?
light energy
What makes rainbows?
light energy
What helps you see?
light energy
What type of light is this?
artificial light
What comes from lamps?
light energy
What type of light comes from the sun?
natural light