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Review Electricity basics

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The magnetic quantity Weber (Wb) is equal to 100,000,000 lines of flux. If a conductor cuts through 1 Weber per second (1 Wb / s), then a voltage of _____ volt(s) is induced into the conductor
____ magnets have their domains aligned only when subjected to a magnetizing force (temporary or permanent)?
The amount of EMF or Voltage produced by a cell depends on what factors? check only those that apply (A – Mass of plates; B - Area of electrodes; C- Materials used for electrodes; D - Area of Plates; E - type of electrolyte)
C & E only
There are two basic types of cells, ______ cells cannot be recharged (primary or secondary?)
AGM cell batteries are often referred to as ______ -regulated lead-acid batteries (VRLA)
This cycle is used for removal of deep sulfation on the plates of the battery and restore the electrolyte to proper ratio or mixture of acid and water. (Bulk Charging, Absorption Charging, Float Charging, Equalization)
Voltage remains constant and current gradually tapers off as the internal resistance of the battery increases during charging. voltage applied is about 14V - 15V (Bulk Charging, Absorption Charging, Float Charging, Equalization)
Absorption Charging
First stage of charging cycle. Current is sent to the battery in a constant maximum safe rate until the battery voltage is about 80% of full charge. (Bulk Charging, Absorption Charging, Float Charging, Equalization)
Bulk Charging
The battery is reduced to a lower level of Voltage around 13V to reduce gassing and prolong the life of the battery, this is sometimes referred to as the maintenance charge. (Bulk Charging, Absorption Charging, Float Charging, Equalization)
Float charging