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Name the part of skeleton that protects human brain.
The skull
I make locks and repair locks. If you lose keys, I can make new keys for you. Name my profession.
Lock smith
What is Indira Gandhi’s relation to Sonia Gandhi ?
Pongal is a popular festival of which state? A.Karnataka B.Kerala C.Tamil Nadu D.Andhra Pradesh
C.Tamil Nadu
What do you call the daughter of your sister?
The daughter of your sister or brother is called your niece.
Correct the sentence: I am sitting in my class and thinking that i will go for A picnic Next sunday.
I am sitting in my class and thinking that I will go for a picnic next Sunday.
Correct the sentence: I am standing at a bus's stop, which is a private place
I am standing at a bus stop, which is a public place.
Correct the sentence: There is a woman in my neighborhood. He is an adult and his age is 19.
There is a woman is my neighborhood. She is an adult and her age is 19 years.
Correct the sentence: the name of Mahatma Gandhi's father was karamchand
The name of Mahatma Gandhi's father was Karamchand.
Correct the sentence: My dad is fivety five. How old is your dad.
My dad is fifty five. How old is your dad?
What has rivers but no water, forests but no trees, and cities but no people ?
A map
You can feel it, but you can't touch it. You can hear it, but you can't see it. What is it ?
Wind / Air
Almost all body parts can repair / heal themselves over a period of time, but, one body part is unable to do so. Which one is it?
It belongs to you but people around you use it the more than you do. What is it?
Your name
Name 4 or more things that you can wear on your feet and names of which begins with 'S'.
Socks, Shoes, Sandals, Sneakers, Slippers, Skates, Skis, Snow shoes, Stockings, Stilts
What is the length of each stump in cricket ?
28 inches
This game is of Indian origin. There are 7 players in one team. It is played without using any props / objects like ball. Which game is it ?
What is ‘deuce’ in a game of tennis?
When both the players have scored three points each, it is ‘deuce’ and requires that one player must get two points ahead in order to win the game.
Identify the athlete in the picture.
Pilavullakandi Tevaraparampil Usha. Born on 27 June, 1964. She won 102 medals at National and International meets. She received ‘Padma Shree in 1984.
Identify the game in the given picture.
From the options below, who is called the Nightingale of India ? Sunidhi Chauhan, Sarojini Naidu, Asha Bhonsle
Sarojini Naidu was a distinguished poet, renowned freedom fighter and one of the great speech maker of her time. She was famously known as ‘Bhartiya Kokila'.
What is the official duration of singing the national anthem of India ?
52 seconds
Identify the Indian rock band from the city of Delhi.
Euphoria. It was put together by Dr. Palash Sen and his friends in New Delhi in 1988.
Identify the instrument.
Name the instrument.