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Christmas Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If there won't be snow, I won't go to skiing.
If there isn't any snow, I won't go skiing.
Do you think it snows this Christmas?
Do you think it will (is going to) snow this Christmas?
How much mulled wine are you drinking at the Christmas market?
How much mulled wine are you going to drink at the Christmas market?
What do you do next year?
What will you do next year?
Santa uses a sleigh for to transport the presents.
Santa uses a sleigh to transport the presents. / Santa uses a sleigh for transporting the presents.
How will you going to celebrate New Year's Eve?
How are you going to celebrate New Year's Eve?
Santa haven't visited me yet.
Santa hasn't visited me yet.
Did you ever celebrate Christmas in another country?
Have you ever celebrated Christmas in another country?
What's the best present you ever gave or received?
What's the best present you've ever given or received?
What will you eat on New Year's Eve?
What are you going to eat on New Year's Eve?
How many Christmas presents did you buy so far?
How many Christmas presents have you bought?
Which New Year's Resolutions have you made last year?
Which New Year's resolutions did you make last year?
In a restaurant: I have the duck with red cabbage.
I'll have the duck with red cabbage.
If I not get presents, I'll be sad.
If I don't get presents, I'll be sad.
My plane is going to land at 5 pm.
My plane lands at 5 pm.
On Saturday, I will fly home to Germany.
On Saturday, I'm flying home to Germany.
If you will be good, Santa will give you presents.
If you are good, Santa will give you presents.