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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What ...................... (those people/do)? They ................... (queue) to buy tickets for the concert.
are those people doing/are queuing
11)My cousin seldom..............(to enjoy) parties, because he............(not / to like) to meet new people.
enjoys/doesn't like
She usually.............(to use) a dictionary when she.............(to do) her homework.
6)Look! They............(to wear) their new dresses! The dresses.........(to be) very beautiful.
are wearing/are
Spring _______ (be) in the air. The birds .............(chatter) in the trees and the flowers ................ (bloom) in the gardens.
is/are chattering/are blooming.
Water always ............... (boil) at 100°C. The kettle ................. (boil) at the moment.
boils/is boiling
My neighbour always......... (take) her little dog for a walk in the morning. In fact, she .............. (just leave) the house.
takes/is just leaving
Monica always .........(ride) her bike to work, even when it ............ (rain)
(You /have) .............. a car? B: Yes, but I (have) ............. some problems with it.
do you have/am having
1. A: I (see) ................ the dentist about my toothache tomorrow. B: I (see) .........., so let's meet the day after tomorrow.
am seeing/see
Why ....................... (you/smell) the milk? Because it ................. (smell) off.
are you smelling/smells
I ......... (think) of visiting Jim this afternoon. Don't bother him! I .............. (think) he is on a business trip.
am thinking/think
Why ...............(Frank/study) with his friends this week? Because they .................(have) a difficult exam on Friday.
is Frank studying/have
What ……… (your father /do)? He is a bank manager. He ………….. (work) in a bank
does your father do/works
Look! It …………… (snow). ………….. (it/snow) very often in this country?
is snowing/does it snow
What books ………… (you/read) at the moment? I ………….. (not/like) books.
are you reading/don't like
How often …. (Sarah/wash) her hair? She ………… (wash) her hair twice a week.
does Sarah wash/washes
Hurry up! The train …………….(come) and I ………….. (not/want) to be late.
is coming/don't want
Mary often …….. (read) in bed, but today she is very tired and she………. (not / read).
reads/isn't reading
Susan usually……. (go) to school by bus, but now she ………….. (go) to school by train.
goes/is going