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2022 G3U3 Weather

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In this climate graph, the temperature is shown as a _________ graph.
Line graph
In this climate graph, the rainfall is shown as a _________ graph.
Bar graph
_____________ clouds are high feathery clouds.
Cirrus clouds
_________ clouds look like flat sheets of clouds.
Stratus clouds
_____________ clods are the puffy clouds that look like puffs of cotton.
Cumulus cloud
What do we call this weather tool?
Wind Vane
What does this weather tool measuring?
What do we call this weather tool?
What does this weather tool measuring?
What do we call this weather tool?
What does this weather tool measuring?
What do we call this weather tool?
Rain Gauge
The scientists who study weather are called____________.
Which climate zone is cold all year round because of the cold temperatures?
Polar Zone
Which climate zone gets warm summers, cold winters, rain, and snow in the winter?
Temperate Zone
Which climate zone is warm and humid all year long?
Tropical Zone
The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. What is climate?
Climate is the year-by-year atmosphere’s condition over a large area.
The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. What is weather?
Weather is the day-to-day atmosphere’s condition over a small area.
The __________________ is the outer layer where we live.
The crust is the outer layer where we live.
__________________ is the centre and the hottest layer of the Earth.
The Inner Core
How many layers does the Earth have?
The Earth structure is divided into four major layers.