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Questions about Arctic and Antarctic

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Which is the biggest creature in the world?
Blue whale
What color is the polar bear's skin and why?
It's black, because black absorbs the heat from the sun better and keeps the bear warm
What was the name of the American explorer who reached the North Pole first?
Frederick Cook
When do Inuit people build igloos now?
During hunting trips
How long does the Arctic ground squirrel hibernate (sleep) for?
From September till April
What is this bird called?
Why can't penguins fly?
Their bones are too heavy and their bodies have a lot of fat to keep them warm
What Antarctic fish has blood that is not red but clear as water?
Crocodile icefish
What do you remember about a bird called albatross?
It is very good at flying but not very good at landing
What animal is called the 'unicorn of the sea'? 
How do musk-oxen protect their babies from predators?
They make a circle around the babies
Why don't penguins' eggs freeze?
Male penguins keep the eggs on their feet and cover them with their bellies to keep them warm
Which bird migrates from the North Pole to the South Pole?
Arctic tern
Name one animal that hibernates in winter at the North Pole
Arctic ground squirrel, brown bat, grizzly bear
What is this bird called?
Snowy owl
What is this called?
Northern lights
Where do polar bears live?
At the North Pole
Where do penguins live?
At the South Pole
What is permafrost?
Ground that is frozen for many years
Name 3 animals that live at the North Pole
Polar bear, arctic fox, snowy owl...