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Guess the Gibberish?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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wad kin eyed who fur uwu
What can I do for you?
own late aches ai men hit
Only takes a minute.
thief hearse touch an you weary
The first of January.
sore hay nods ore hee
Sorry not sorry.
tan cue ex
Thank you, next.
mack her owe knee inch he's
Macaroni and cheese
She is burg her
Tay Cove Ache A shun
Take a vacation.
Ewe Night Ted King Dumb
United Kingdom
Sand Tackle Laws
Santa Claus
Meek Came How's
Mickey Mouse
bep her own knee peas uh
Pepperoni pizza
sock her go all key per
Soccer keeper
highs creek own
Ice cream cone
high wheel hall weighs loaf view
I will always love you.
tree chores hail fright
Treat yourself right
I'm issues home hutch
I miss you so much
police dew nod hutch
Please do not touch
pie rate softy care hip been
Pirates of the carribean
han dover theme honey
Hand over the money
high dance eek
Hide and seek