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What is the difference between polar and nonpolar covalent bonding?
nonpolar covalent bond is formed by two identical nonmetallic atoms; polar covalent bond involves 2 different kinds of nonmetallic atoms
It is the measure of the ability of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself.
What is the difference between ionic and covalent bonding?
Ionic bonding involves the transferring of electrons, covalent bonding involves sharing of electrons
What is your current science teacher's favorite cartoon?
Spongebob Squarepants
Why do different substances have different boiling points?
Because of the IMF present between the atoms or molecules in the liquid since you must disrupt those forces to change from a liquid to a gas.
Give all the types and subtypes of chemical bonding
ionic, polar covalent, nonpolar covalent, multiple bonds
What element means "hard to get"?
Draw the LEDS for O2.
Who recognized the existence of the weak forces between molecules?
Johannes van der Waals
It is an ion with negative charge and is formed when an atom gains one or more electrons.
What type of compound has a strong IMF?
Ionic compound
What type of compound is baking soda?
ionic compound
What type of IMF is present in N2?
London dispersion
What type of bond is hydrogen fluoride?
polar covalent bond
Give the three classifications of Intermolecular Forces
dipole-dipole, London dispersion forces, hydrogen bond
These are the predecessors of chemists and are said to have practiced an unscientific form of chemistry.
What is your current science teacher's favorite movie of all time?
Harry Potter
This is a set of rules to generate systematic names for chemical compounds
Chemical Nomenclature
It is the international body that represents chemistry and related sciences and technologies.
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
What do you call a diagram that describe the chemical bonding between atoms in a molecule?
Lewis electron dot structure