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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this skin based on?
The Pickle of Sketch.
What is the most expensive skin in Book 1?
Who is this?
Bunny/Rebecca Rabbit
Where did Chapter 7 Book 1 take place?
Metro/The Metro
What is the secret skin of IK3As?
What is the bot in Chapter 9 Book 1?
Elly(Emily Elephant)
How much does this skin cost?
500 Piggy Tokens
How much money does this skin cost?
315 Piggy Tokens
How to escape Chapter 12 Book 1?
Take Mrs.P picture and give it to Mr.P
How much the most expensive trap cost?
300 Piggy Tokens
How to use the tank in Chapter 11 Book 1?
Put Gasoline in
Where did Chapter 8 Book 1 take place?
Who is the Antagonist in the game?
What is usually in the purple safe?
Tell me 2 skins have no legs
Mousy, Ghosty
What is the Secret Skin did MiniToon have?
Pickle Rick
How much does this skin cost?
260 Piggy Tokens
Who is the owner of Piggy?