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Chapter 3 Tools of Microbiology

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Gram and acid-fast are examples of
differential stains.
Endospore, capsule and flagellar are examples of
special stains.
Simple stains contain
one dye.
Hanging drop mounts allow specimens to
A microscope that can provide an internal image of a cell and its organelles is a
transmission electron microscope.
A microscope that creates a 3-D image of the specimen is a
scanning electron microscope.
A _____ microscope can focus along several planes.
An illuminated specimen with a dark background is due to a ________ microscope
A light background on a slide is due to a ____ microscope.
Contrast is achieved for light microscopy due to
Oil immersion prevents light
Magnification with a light microscopy is done with the ocular and objective
The three components of microscopy are
magnification, resolution and contrast.
Phenotypic, genotypic and immunologic tests are all part of the ____ step.
Pure cultures can also be called
Using a glass "hockey stick" to distribute microbes on a plate is the
spread plate method.
Transferring dilute amounts onto plates to isolate colonies is the
loop dilution method.
The method of inoculating in quadrants to thin the quantity of microbes is the
streak plate method.
A discrete mound of one species of cell on a solid surface is a
The incomplete rupture of red blood cells is
The complete rupture of red blood cells is measured as
Media that allows all species to grow but they appear uniquely is
Media that allows one species to grow but prohibits the growth of others is
Media that is comprised of unknown composition is
Media where all components are known is
chemically defined (synthetic).
Isolation requires _____ to form individual colonies.
solid media
_____ is used to make media solid.
To measure motility, you must use
semisolid media.
Broths, milks, and infusions are examples of
liquid media.
The growth of microorganisms under ideal conditions is
The cultivation or growth of organisms is
Microbial food is
media (medium).
Using a small amount of specimen for growth is
Specimen collection must be done using
sterile technique.