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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If only you would stop wasting my precious time! - IS IT CORRECT?
I really regret not to go to the restaurant with my friends last night. Apparently they met Ed Sheeran! - IS IT CORRECT?
NO! - I really regret not GOING to the restaurant with my friends last night.
There's a possibility that the files were backed up online. - Paraphrase: The files ... online. (MIGHT)
The files might have been backed up online.
There's a chance that you can fix the computer yourself. - Paraphrase: You ... the computer yourself. (ABLE)
You may/ might/ could be able to fix the computer yourself.
I'm sure Luis forgot about the meeting today. - Paraphrase: Luis... (MUST)
Luis must have forgotten about the meeting today.
If I had known that you were hungry, I would had prepared dinner. - IS IT CORRECT?
NO! - If I had known that you were hungry, I would HAVE prepared dinner.
I don't think that Martin will pass his exams. - Paraphrase: It ... (UNLIKELY)
It is unlikely that Martin will pass his exams.
The traffic is pretty bad at the moment, but iy's only 4 pm so it will certainly get worse. - Paraphrase: but it's only 4 pm so it ... worse. (IS/ BOUND)
The traffic is pretty bad at the moment, but iy's only 4 pm so it bound to get worse.
"Sarah and I misunderstood each other because I'd written the 20th and she had written the 21st." - Paraphrase: Sarah and I... (GOT/ WIRES)
Sarah and I got our wires crossed because I'd written the 20th and she had written the 21st.
"I'd been thinking about creating an app for a long time when I had a great idea yesterday." - Paraphrase: when I ... (LIGHT BULB/ MOMENT)
I'd been thinking about creating an app for a long time when I had a light bulb moment yesterday.
My boss is nice enough, but he does get angry easily. - Paraphrase: but he does... (HAVE/ FUSE)
My boss is nice enough, but he does have a short fuse.
You should learn how to write HTML. It's very easy. - Paraphrase: It's ... (ROCKET/ SCIENCE)
You should learn how to write HTML. It's not rocket science.
"If you don't rest at the weekend, you will be tired." - Paraphrase: you will ... RUN/ STEAM
If you don't rest at the weekend, you will run out of steam.