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Edward Tulane Vocab Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use the word "long" in a sentence.
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Use the word "aim" in a sentence.
Answers vary
What does the word "aim" mean?
To point or direct (a weapon) at a target
What word means "high up in the air"?
What does the word "merrily" mean?
In a quick and lively way
What word means "confident and stylish"?
Use the word "disregard" in a sentence.
Answers vary
What does the word "disregard" mean?
To ignore or pay no attention to
What word means "to really want or have a strong desire for something"?
What does the word "fierce" mean?
Very powerful
Use the word "clutch" in a sentence.
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What word means "to hold very tightly"?
Use the word "damp" in a sentence.
Answers vary
What does the word "damp" mean?
A little wet
What word means "very flexible or easy to move"?
What does the word "possess" mean?
Very wild because of strong emotions
What word means "a long journey traveling by sea"?
Use the word "frantic" in a sentence.
Answers vary
What does the word "frantic" mean?
Very wild because of strong emotions
What word means "to put your body against"?
What does the word "muck" mean?
Dirt or rubbish
Use the word "occasion" in a sentence.
Answers vary
What word means "a special events"?
What does the word "strip" mean?
To remove or take off
What word means "to mention or say something"?
What does the word "umbrage" mean?
To be annoyed or upset
Use the word "unbearable" in a sentence.
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What word means "not able to tolerate something"?
What does the word "grizzled" mean?
Having white hair
What word means "to blow up"?
Use the word "appreciate" in a sentence.
Answers vary
What does the word "appreciate" mean?
To be grateful or thankful
What does the word "ferocity" mean?
A state of violence
What word means "discolored skin because of an injury"?
Use the word "ordeal" in a sentence.
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What word means "a unpleasant experience"?
Use the word "mortified" in a sentence.
Answers vary
What does "mortified" mean?
Very embarrassed or ashamed
What word means "a smaller chair with long legs"?
What word means "a gentle song for babies"?
What does "hatred" mean?
Strong dislike or hate
Use the word "lullaby" in a sentence.
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What word means "a journey to deliver or collect something"?
Use the word "errand" in a sentence.
Answers vary
What does "revenge" mean?
Hurting someone or getting even with them
What word means "to lose or be without hope"?
Use the word "haul" in a sentence.
Answers vary
What does "haul" mean?
To drag or pull something
What word means "to cast a spell on"?
What does "folks" mean?
People or family