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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is Shreya's pen. GIve it to Shreya. ( Her/ Him)
This is Shreya's pen. Give it to her.
Mother and I went to the store. Mother and I bought wafers. ( We / They)
Mother and I went to the store. We bought wafers.
Ria and Priya went to the zoo. Ria and Priya saw many animals. ( They / We )
Ria and Priya went to the zoo. They saw many animals.
Mary and I had breakfast and then Mary and I went to the library. ( We/ They)
Mary and I had breakfast and then we went to the library.
Teacher asked Rita a question but Rita did not know the answer. (He/ She)
Teacher asked Rita a question but she did not know the answer.
Mother got the orange and gave the orange to Pooja. ( It/ He )
Mother got the orange and gave it to Pooja.
Kunal likes English but Kunal hates Maths. ( He / It)
Kunal likes English but he hates Maths.
Ram got the bag and put the bag on the table. ( It / He)
Ram got the bag and put it on the table.