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Form 2 First Term Exam Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My sister and I __________ (watch) the World Cup this Saturday. (present continuous)
My brother _________ (have) a birthday dinner with his friends in Wan Chai on Friday. (present continuous)
is having
I ________ walked in the door to school when I heard my name being called over the loudspeaker.
Have you _______ gone to Tokyo? It's one of my favourite cities.
"You don't need to cook the rice for dinner. I _________ did it, Mom," said Bobby.
_________ you _______(check) to see what the weather is for the coming weekend? Will we be able to go camping do you think?
Have, checked
We _________ (have) three tests this week. I am exhausted from studying.
have had
I _______ (see) Top Gun: Maverick three times.
have seen
Clothes and books that are still in good condition to be donated to a charity are called ________.
gently used
These spicy wings are __________ hot. My mouth is on fire. I can't eat anymore of them. (adverb of degree)
It's __________ warmer today. Yesterday, it was 17 but todays it's 19. (adverb of degree)
I ________ studied for my dictation but I still got 100%. (adverb of degree)
If babies _______ (be) hungry, they _______. (cry) zero condiitonal
are, cry
If you _______ (touch) fire, you _____ (get) burned. Zero Conditional
touch, get
I can never get the ___________ airfares because I always have to travel when it's everyone's holiday. I wish I could travel in November when it's much cheaper.
low-season airfares
People who want the accommodation, flights and meal included in one price are called ______________.
package tourists
People who travel quite cheaply, stay in hostels and travel with their bag on their back are called _______.
Mom said I'd probably suffer from __________ when I get to London since there is an 8 hour time difference.
jet lag
_____________ haven't been coming to Hong Kong for work much since COVID 19. They have been working at home a lot.
business travellers
I prefer to stay in a hotel for my ________ rather than a hostel or Air BnB.
____________ are good because the tickets are cheaper but they can sometimes lose your luggage.
Budget airlines
When I take the ferry to Lamma, I always get _____________. My stomach feels queasy.
motion sickness
_____________ like to go to visit Cheng Chau or Lamma on Saturday and Sunday.
Follow the food pyramid to be sure to have a _____________.
balanced diet
My brother _____________ this morning. He went to the gym early to lift weights.
worked out
It's important to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables to be sure to get a variety of vitamins and ________.
You can get a lot of ___________ from meat, beans and eggs.
Chocolate cheescake is ___________ in calories.
rich in
Boys should have a daily __________ of about 2800 calories.