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Kindness and Empathy

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you do if your friend accidentally bumps into you? Should you yell at them, or say, "That's okay, it was an accident."
You should say, "That's okay, it was an accident."
Which of these statements does NOT show kindness?  1. Stop being a cry baby. 2. How can I help?
Stop being a cry baby.
You are playing a game with your friend, and your friend wins the game. What should you say?
great job! / That was fun!
Your friend is trying really hard to finish his writing. Should you tell him to hurry up, or show patience and wait quietly for him to finish?
be patient and wait for him to finish.
Your friend is trying really hard, but can't seem to get the answer right on his math sheet. How is she feeling? 
frustrated / sad
If someone fell down and hurt their knee, should you keep walking or stop and ask them if they are okay?
Stop and ask them if they are okay
A friend lost his favourite toy at recess. Should you keep playing, or stop and help him find the toy?et?
It is kind to stop playing and help him look
When you open a door, should you slam it shut or hold it open for the person behind you?
Hold it open for the person behind you
If you see garbage on the ground, should you leave it there or pick it up and put it in the garbage?
Pick it up and put it in the garbage
When mom or dad come home with groceries, should you sit and watch them unload the car or help bring in the groceries?
Help bring in the groceries
If you are in an elevator and see someone walking over, what should you do?
Hold the door open or press the door open button