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Natural Science Grade 3 Unit 1: Science (REVIEW)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What tool is this?
It's a compass.
What tool is this?
It's a map.
What tool is this?
Magnifying glass
What tool is this?
What tools can we use when we make field observations in the natural environment?
We can use binoculars, a magnifying glass, a compass, a map, etc.
What tools do we use when we conduct experiments on a laboratory?
We use scientific equipment.
Where do we record the information of our field observations?
We record the information of our field observations on field notebook.
Where do we record the information of our experiments?
We record the information of our experiments on laboratory notebook.
Where do we make observations?
We make observations in the natural environment.
Where do we conduct experiments?
We conduct experiments in a laboratory.
If the results don't match our hypothesis, we need to come up with another hypothesis. Is it true or false?
It's True.
If the results match our hypothesis, we need to come up with another hypothesis. Is it true or false?
It's false.
The results of our experiments and observations tell us if our hypothesis is correct. Is it true or false?
It's true.
The conclusions of our experiments and observations tell us if our hypothesis is correct. Is it true or false?
It's false.
We make conclusions to check our hypothesis. Is it true or false?
It's false.
We make experiments to check our hypothesis. Is it true or false?
It's false.
We make observations to check our hypothesis. Is it true or false?
It's true.
We conduct experiments to check our hypothesis. Is it true or false?
It's true.
We conduct conclusions to check our hypothesis. Is it true or false?
It's false.
We conduct observations to check our hypothesis. Is it true or false?
It's false.
A hypothesis is a possible answer to a scientific question. Is it true or false?
It's true.
A conclusion is a possible answer to a scientific question. Is it true or false?
It's false.
An experiment is a possible answer to a scientific question. Is it true or false?
It's false.
If the result _________ our hypothesis, we need to come up with another hypothesis.
don't match
The ____ of our experiments and observations tell us if our hypothesis is correct.
We make ____ to check our hypothesis.
We conduct ____ to check our hypothesis.
It's a possible answer to a scientific question. What is it?
It's a hypothesis.
What source of scientific information is number 6?
It's "Encyclopaedias".
What source of scientific information is number 5?
It's "Podcasts".
What source of scientific information is number 4?
It's "Documentaries".
What source of scientific information is number 3?
It's "Scientific journals".
What source of scientific information is number 2?
It's "Guides".
What source of scientific information is number 1?
It's "Science books".
This step of the scientific method refers to look for information. Is it true or false?
It's false.
This step of the scientific method refers to analyse data and make conclusions. Is it true or false?
It's false.
What step of the scientific method is this?
It's number 6: Share conclusions.
What step of the scientific method is this?
It's number 5: Analyse data and make conclusions.
What step of the scientific method is this?
It's number 4: Observe or experiment.
What step of the scientific method is this?
It's number 3: Suggest answers.
What step of the scientific method is this?
It's number 2: Look for information.
What step of the scientific method is this?
It's number 1: ask a question.