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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a, the or nothing? Names of streets, squares, parks: …Broadway …High street …Red Square … Central park
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a, the or nothing? Names of diseases: … flu …cancer …cold … backache
the, -, a, a
a, the or nothing? Names of parts of the day: In …afternoon ,At … dawn, At … night, In … night
the, -, -, the
a, the or nothing? Names of deserts and oceans: … Sahara … Gobi … Pacific ocean
a, the or nothing? Adjectives used as nouns: … rich …young … sick
the, the, the
a, the or nothing? Quantity and frequency: 2 dollars … day 70 km … hour
a, an
a, the or nothing? Names of lakes and rivers: …Lake Baikal … Loch Ness … Dnieper
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a, the or nothing? Names of something unique: …Moon … space … Queen
the, - , the
a, the or nothing? Names of people: _Picasso, _Mr Brown
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a, the or nothing? Names of countries: … Philippines …Norway … Russian Federation …Great Britain
the, -, the, -
a, the or nothing? Names of islands, mountains: …Seychelles …Malta …Fuji … Ands
the, -,-,the
a, the or nothing? Names of towns and cities: …Munich …Hague …. Prague
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