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Quiz - Planets - 2nd Grade 2022

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many moons does Neptune have: 80, 83, 27 or 14?
It has 14 moons.
How many moons does Uranus have: 80, 83, 27 or 14?
It has 27 moons.
Is Mars next to Venus?
No, it isn't. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. Venus is the second.
How many moons does Venus have?
It doesn't have any moons.
How many rings does Venus have?
Venus has no rings.
Is Jupiter next to the Sun?
No, it isn't. It's the fifth planet from the Sun.
How many rings does Saturn have?
It has seven rings.
How old is the Sun?
It's 4.603 billion years old.
What color is Mars?
It has a red appearance.
What is the first planet from the Sun?
It's Mercury.
What color is the Sun?
The sun is actually white! But we see it yellow because this color is the brightest wavelength from the sun and we see it first..
How many moons does Mars have?
Mars has two moons: Phobos and Deimos.
What color is Mercury?
It is grey.
How many moons does Earth have?
It has one moon.
What color is Earth?
It's blue, brown, yellow, green and white.
What is the fifth planet from the sun?
It's Jupiter.
How many moons does Mercury have?
0. I doesn't have any confirmed moons.
What color is Saturn?
It has a yellow-brown appearance.