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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They/ shoes/. black.
They have got shoes. They are black.
She/ trousers/. short.
She has got trousers. They are short.
I/ a T-shirt/ blue.
I have got a T-shirt. It is blue.
My brothers (have got/ has got) shoes. They (is/ are) small.
have got/ are
Lan and Nam (have got/ has got) trousers. (It/ they) are nice.
have got/ they
Those (is/ are) three monkeys. (It is/ They are) funny.
are/ They are
I have got (an/a) skirt. (It/ They) is yellow.
a/ is
There is (a/ an) old pen on my desk. (It is/ They are) long.
an/ It is
THis (is/are) a big shark in the sea.
(This/ These) are rabbits in my garden.
There (is/ are) a living room in my house.
There (is/ are) two bedrooms in my house.
He (has got/ have got) a bag. (It/ They) is nice.
has got/ is
My sister (have got/ has got) trousers.
has got
I (have got/ has got) a T-shirt.
have got