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Past Simple Regular

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ask the question 2 minutes ago. (+)
I asked the question 2 minutes ago. (+)
A girl was sad, but she cry (-)
A girl was sad, but she didn't cry.
They learn a lot about different cultures (?)
Did they learn a lot about different cultures (?)
We promise to write e-mails to each other. (+)
We promised to write e-mails toe ach other.
We skate last winter. (+)
We skated last winter.
She visit her grandparents 2 days ago. (+)
She visited her grandparents 2 days ago.
You brush your hair this morning (?)
Did you brush your hair this morning?
I kill a mosquito last week.
I killed a mosquito last week.
You travel by bus yesterday (?)
Did you travel by bus yesterday?
I hop in the puddles yesterday (+)
I hopped in the puddles yesterday.
She use headphones. (+)
She used heaphones.
John walk the dog (?)
Did John walk the dog?
Lucy cook dinner (-)
Lucy didn't cook dinner.
They stop at red light (+)
They stopped at red light.
Susan study Maths yesterday (+)
Susan studied Maths yesterday.
Tom climb a mountain (?)
Did Tom climb a mountain?
Kate segregate rubbish (-)
Kate didn't segregate rubbish.