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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We couldn‟t get nearer because of the police. -> The police ................
prevented us from getting nearer
He has never behaved so violent before. -> He is behaving...........
more violently than ever before
We started cooking for the party four hours ago. -> We have.............
been cooking for the party for two hours
His parents made him study hard for the exams. -> He was.........
made to study hard for the exams
We can‟t afford to buy the car. -> The car......................
is too expensive for me to buy
I have never read such a romantic story before. -> This is...............
the most romantic story I have ever read
Sally is the cleverest student in the class. -> Nobody..............
is cleverer than Sally in the class
“I‟m sorry that I broke the glass” said Peter. -> Peter apologized......
for breaking the glass
We arrived too late to see the first film. -> We didn‟t...........
arrive early enough to see the first film
How tall is Peter? -> What..............?
is the height of Peter?
What's the weight of your suitcase? -> How......................
heavy is your suitcase?
It was an interesting film. -> What............
an interesting film!
Those pictures are beautiful. -> How.........................
beautiful those pictures are!
The doctor told him that he worked too hard. -> "You................"
work too hard
If you don't rest your self you really will be ill. -> Unless..................
you rest yourself, you really will be ill
“I advised you to take a holiday” The doctor said. -> “You‟d....................."
take a holiday
That‟s the last time I go to that restaurant. -> I certainly..........
will never go to that restaurant
Sally finally managed to get a job. -> Sally finally succeeded..........
in getting the job
It isn't necessary to finish the work today. -> You don‟t...............
have to finish work today