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Far from Shore

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Based on p. 220 , what details does the author include about the Pacific Ocean ?
It`s the world`s largest ocean and it`s larger than the continent of Africa
Based on p. 220 , where does the journey take place?
It will be in Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean (EPO)
Based on p. 220 , How long will the study take?
4 months
Based on p. 220 , What is the main purpose/ goal of the expedition?
Sophie and her shipmates will discover what has happened to the dolphin populations
Based on p. 220 , What is the main purpose/ goal of the selection?
Sophie shares her exciting study in marine with readers.
What is the correct definition of "nautical "?
anything related to ships or navigation
What is the correct definition of " Chlorophyll " ?
a green substance found in plants that allows them to make food
What is the correct meaning of the word "flying bridge"?
It`s the highest place on a ship from which can be steered
What is the correct definition of "ecosystem"?
a community of living things and the environment it inhabits
What does the word " Marine" mean?
anything related to ocean
What genre is the selection " from Far from Shore"? Cite some evidence that support your answer.
It`s informational text