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EOW4 Unit 1 + 2 Grammar Revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence using the irregular verb. The girl (write) the invitation then (give) it to her friend.
The girl wrote the invitation then gave it to her friend.
Complete the sentence using the irregular verb. She (wear) a unicorn costume to the parade.
She wore a unicorn costume to the parade.
Complete the sentence using the irregular verb. I (eat) McDonald's and (drink) soda for breakfast.
I ate McDonald's and drank soda for breakfast.
Complete the sentence using the irregular verb. Yesterday we (see) the fireworks.
Yesterday we saw the fireworks.
Did you go to the party?
No, I didn't go to the party.
Did you listen to music?
No, I didn't listen to music.
Did you watch the parade? Yes, we _____________.
watched the parade
Did you play games? Yes, we __________________.
played games
I drink too much soda. I don't drink ________ water.
I don't eat ______________ junk food.
too much
She plays ______________ video games.
too many
I don't get _______ exercise.
Did he do his homework?
No, he didn't.
Did they play soccer? (short answer)
Yes, they did.
Did he take a shower? (short answer)
No, he didn't.
Look at the picture and make a "did" question.
Did she take a/the bus to school?