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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Lucia M. eat at home every Thursday and after go to 'reforç'
Lucia .
I like do the English class.
I don't like do the English class.
Vanesa after do swimming pool she does her makeup.
Vanesa after do swimming pool she doesn't do her makeup.
Leire likes go to the ''the Corner''
Leire doesn't like go to the ''the Corner''
She like de grapes
She doesn't like grapes
For homework i must do a drafting for Wendsday. Minimum 100 word
De deures he de fer una redaccio per el dimecres. Minim 100 words.
I like to much play with the computer, is very easy play videogames or just see videos on Youtube.
M'agrada molt jugar amb l'ordinador, es molt facil jugar videojocs o nomes veure videos a Youtube.
Firts study, second I play.
Primer estudio, segon jugo.
I am a perfect singer. I know sing beautiful, like a god.
Soc una cantant perfecta. En se cantar precios, com deu.
I am a fire woman. I work 12 hours every day.
Soc bombera, i treballo 12 hores cada dia.
I am going to buy a ring diamond.
Estic anan a comprar un anell de diamant.
Before to stay at the Puig i was at the Torre Balldovina.
Abans de estar al Puig vaig estar en el Torre Balldovina.
I have got 7 cousins and 3 brothers and sisters.
Tinc 7 cusins i 3 germans y germanes.
Today is my birthday, now i am 13 years!
Avui es el meu aniversari, ara ja tinc 13 anys!
I am from Colombia. But i live in Spain
Soc de colombia pero visc a espanya.
I don't know do the homework...
No se fer els deures...
Tomorrow is festive day.
Dema es dia festiu.
I am a student of the Puig.
Soc estudiant del Puig.
Sometimes she wish be a turtle.
A vegades ella desitja ser una tortuga.
She don' like play videogames alone.
A ella no li agrada jugar videojocs sola.