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A1.2 Prepositions ^_^

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We live in a detached house and it’s like a dream come true.
Mike is taller then Nick, but Nick looks fiter and slimer.
than Nick; fitter and slimmer.
A: Get a water heater! Life without a hot shower is a nightmare! B: I don’t need a water heater! Cold showers are more healthier.
are healthier.
A: How you commute to work? B: I am ride a bike.
A: How do you commute to work? B: I ride a bike.
There are a stove and an oven in the kitchen but I’d like to buy a multicooker.
There is a stove and an oven
Ben is too modest. He rarely hangs out with friends. He stays in most of the time.
Ben is too shy.
A: Do you ever have lie-in? B: Only in the weekend.
A: Do you ever have a lie-in? B: Only at the weekend.|Only on the weekend.
A: Nice meet you! Bye! B: Likewise. See you around!
Nice meeting you!
My husband drops the kids ___ at school and I pick them ___ after classes.
off; up
Jerry lives ___ a commuter town. It takes him two hours to get ___ home ___ work.
in; -; from
A: I’m ___ a platform but I can’t see you. Where are you? B: Sorry. I’m ___ a traffc jam ___ Shota Rustavelli street.
on; in; on
On your way ____ home, check ____ a new coffee shop ___ the right from your house.
-; out; on
If Sue runs late, she chooses not to have breakfast, but to put ____ makeup instead.
When I get ____ the car, I always buckle up.
____ the commute, Ben usually listens ____ podcasts.
on; to
When I’m ____ a bus, I always check my wallet and my cellphone.
When Jeff drops ___ for a cup of coffee, he always brings doughnuts from the bakery ____ the corner.
in; on
If you’re feeling sick, don’t go to work today, just stay ___ and get some rest.
If Dave stays ____ late, he usually oversleeps the next day.
When we hang ____ with friends, we eat ___ , go ___ bowling or go ___ the cinema.
out; out; -; to
If I catch ___ the 8 o’clock train, I come to work ___ time.
-; on