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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She can't sing very well, ___________________?
can she?
I don't have to leave, ___________________?
do I?
You won't leave, ___________________?
will you?
The Statue of Liberty came from France, ___________________?
didn't it?
Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, ___________________?
didn't he?
They speak French, ___________________?
don't they?
You can't swim, ___________________?
can you?
We have to stay in the classroom, ___________________?
don't we?
I'm not very tall, ___________________?
am I?
Let's go, ___________________?
shall we?
Elizabeth lives in London, ___________________?
doesn't she?
You caught the train, ___________________?
didn't you?
There was a problem, ___________________?
wasn't there?
Aliens will land on Earth, ___________________?
won't they?
Jack must go, ___________________?
mustn't he?
She didn't come alone, ___________________?
did she?
I am rude, ___________________?
aren't I?
You like ice-cream, ___________________?
don't you?
The train was very crowded, ___________________?
wasn't it?
It's raining, ___________________?
isn't it?