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Goodbye 2022! Hello 2023!

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If someone wrote a book about your life in 2023, what kind of genre would it be? A comedy, love story, drama, film noir or something else?
Which mental block(s) did you overcome last year?
What book or movie affected your life in a profound way last year?
What was the best gift you received last year?
What do you want to see, discover, explore this year?
What did you learn last year about the world?
What have you not done last year that you wish you had?
How did last year surprise you?
How did you begin last year? How did ypu end it?
Who do you want to become this year?
What places do you want to visit this year?
What personal qualities do you want to strengthen this year?
What skills do you want to learn this year?
What will be your purpose this year?
What do you want to accomplish this year?
How do you intend to be different at the end of the year?
What do you want to change completely for this year?
What is something that you took up last year that you are going to continue doing this year?
What is your intention for this year?
What advice would you give your last-year self?
How do you describe last year in 3 to 5 keywords?
If you were to talk about last year like a story, how would you write it?
What are you thankful for last year?
What did you do for your physical and mental health last year?
How are you different than a year ago?
What would you do differently if you could about last year?
What got in the way of your success last year?
What was the best decision you took last year?
What did you learn about yourself last year?
What are you the most proud of last year?
What new habits did you start last year?
What was your favourite moment last year?
What new skills did you learn last year?
What challenges did you overcome last year?
What is the best thing that happened last year?
What is the most important lesson you learned last year?