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Teens 6 - WB page 49

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is classical music boring? Use in my opinion, in my view, I believe, or I think.
In my view, classical music isn't boring. Actually, it reduces stress level.
Are laptops useful? Use in my opinion, in my view, I believe, or I think.
In my opinion, they are useful because people can use them to work and have fun.
Is it important to exercise frequently? Use in my opinion, in my view, I believe, or I think.
I believe it's important because it helps you keep fit.
Is the gym a good place to exercise? Use in my opinion, in my view, I believe, or I think.
I think it's good because you can work out in any kind of weather.
Make deductions. A: Tony won a gold medal in the race. B: _____. (he / be / fast / runner).
He must be a fast runner.
Make deductions. A: Do you know where Fay is? B: Well, her car isn't in the garage, so ____. (she / be / home).
she can't be at home.
Make deductions. A: Do your parents know Oliver? B: He's come round my house a few times. (they / remember / him).
They must remember him.
Make deductions. A: I think Kirsten needs more exercise. She's not fit. B: What? She has a two-hour workout every day. (she / be / unfit).
She can't be unfit.
Make deductions. A: Where's the cat? B: The children have been playing with Trixie all morning. (they / know / where she is).
They must know where she is.
Troy ____ play the piano, so he can write the songs for the band. a) may b) is able to c) will be able to
b) is able to
That ____ be Debbie's jacket. Hers is black. a) can't b) mustn't c) can
a) can't
A: Does Mike have trainers? B: He ___ have trainers. He goes jogging every weekend. a) can't b) could c) must
c) must
A: Will you ____ contact Heather? B: Yes, I've got her email address. a) be able to b) can c) could
a) be able to
A: What are you doing this afternoon? B: Well, I ___ play hockey, but I'm not sure yet. a) might b) must c) mustn't
a) might
I ___ log in to the program because I didn't have the right username or password. a) can't b) wasn't able to c) might not
b) wasn't able to