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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who helped the grasshopper?
A bird
What did the grasshopper say?
Help! Father, mother help me!
What animal says squeak squeak?
A mouse
What animal says Hee Haw
A donkey
What animal says ribbit ribbit?
A frog
What animal says oink oink?
A pig
Good job!
Can you see a blue frog?
No, I can't. / No, I cannot.
Can you see a white goat?
Yes, I can.
Can you see a beetle?
No, I can't. / No, I cannot.
What is the name of the cat?
What is the name of the dog?
What did the mouse yell?
Farmer Brown does not eat mice.
What did the cat say?
I will get a mouse for his dinner.
What did the horse and the pony say?
We will pick corn for his dinner.
What did the father duck say?
Quack quack quack ?
Where do the ducks go?
Four little ducks go out to play.
Which words are rhyming?
Dog and frog
Who pulled on the carrot?
The farmer, the horse, the cow, the dog and the cat pulled on the carrot.
What did the farmer say to the animals?
Please help me pull up my carrot.
Who did the farmer go to after the dog?
He went to the cat.
Sound of the letter O
Sound of the letter R
Sound of the letter S
Sound of the letter H
Well done!
What washed the spider out?
The rain washed it out.
What went up the water spout?
The little bitty spider