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EP5 Quarter 3 Review-Ayutthaya

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What is History?
The study of the past
What is the definition of stalemate?
a contest where neither side wins
________ was the first western Kingdom to have contact with Ayutthaya.
King Naresuan fought his childhood enemy, Prince ______ ___ in the Great Elephant Battle.
Mingyi Swa
Prince Naret's (King Naresuan's) father was the Viceroy of Phitsanulok. He surrendered to the Burmese and had to send his sons as ________ to the Toungoo Court in Burma.
What is a company that imports and exports different goods?
Trading Company
King Naresuan's Great Elephant Battle occurred during which battle?
Battle of Nong Sarai
The War over the White Elephants was fought between Ayutthaya and _____.
Burmese Toungoo Kingdom
What is the Three Pagodas Pass?
Where Buddhism entered Thailand and the main invasion route Burmese and Siamese armies.
What happens when a kingdom expands?
It gains territory through conquest/It grows bigger
What is the act of taking control of another country through the use of force?
The kings of Ayutthaya would put their ________ in charge of government offices.
The Mandala system is like a torch with its light radiating outward with decreasing intensity. What does radiating mean?
To send something out (like heat, energy, or light) in rays
How did the early Kingdom of Ayutthaya organize itself?
The Mandala System
Which dynasty was started by King Ramathibidi I?
The U Thong Dynasty
What is a dynasty?
A family of rulers
King U Thong founded his new city of Ayutthaya on an island. He named the city after an ______ holy city.
King U Thong was the leader of Phetchaburi, but he had to leave with his people. Why?
There was an epidemic in his city
Who was the first King and founder of the Kingdom of Ayutthaya?
King Ramathibodi I (King U Thong)
Which major river has been the foundation for all of Thailand's large kingdoms throughout history?
The Chao Phraya River