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Wilson 3.1 Sentences- Compound Words

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Matt will finish the test in his lab.
Matt will finish the test in his lab.
Ellen will get the satin and silk dress.
Ellen will get the satin and silk dress.
The sunfish is in the bathtub.
The sunfish is in the bathtub.
The puppet is in the hatbox on the shelf.
The puppet is in the hatbox on the shelf.
The big blast will upset the pup.
The big blast will upset the pup.
Tim will go to the dentist.
Tim will go to the dentist.
Do not step in the pigpen!
Do not step in the pigpen!
Did Tom get the rabbit for Jan?
Did Tom get the rabbit for Jan?
Ben was upset when he lost at tenpin.
Ben was upset when he lost at tenpin.
The chipmunk got the nuts in the basket.
The chipmunk got the nuts in the basket.
Justin must dust the cobweb off the shelf.
Justin must dust the cobweb off the shelf.
Will you get the boss a napkin?
Will you get the boss a napkin?
Greg's hotrod went in the tunnel.
Greg's hotrod went in the tunnel.
Did Bob get a suntan on his trip?
Did Bob get a suntan on his trip?
Kim has a brass helmet.
Kim has a brass helmet.
Jan will come as a goblin.
Jan will come as a goblin.
Sanchez lost his mittens and his red hat.
Sanchez lost his mittens and his red hat.
Dad got a magnet for Malcom.
Dad got a magnet for Malcom.
Jim went to get the catnip for the tomcat.
Jim went to get the catnip for the tomcat.
Nelson did not get upset with Jill.
Nelson did not get upset with Jill.
Kenneth put the napkin on his lap.
Kenneth put the napkin on his lap.
Kim did admit that she felt a chill.
Kim did admit that she felt a chill.
Get the basket and fill it with figs.
Get the basket and fill it with figs.
Bill and Tom had a puppet on a string.
Bill and Tom had a puppet on a string.
The rabbit ran next to the shrubs.
The rabbit ran next to the shrubs.
Do not drop the album in the slush.
Do not drop the album in the slush.
Jill had fun with the magnet.
Jill had fun with the magnet.
Beth did not get upset when she fell in the slush.
Beth did not get upset when she fell in the slush.
Justin had a sudden hold on Tom.
Justin had a sudden hold on Tom.
I just had a bran muffin and a plum.
I just had a bran muffin and a plum.
The wild bobcat hid in the tunnel.
The wild bobcat hid in the tunnel.
Frank thinks it was just a big mix-up!
Frank thinks it was just a big mix-up!
The kids want to rent the Batman flick.
The kids want to rent the Batman flick.
The dog in the bathtub was a mess.
The dog in the bathtub was a mess.
Did Brett get the shellfish from Scott?
Did Brett get the shellfish from Scott?
Dad will dust the cobwebs in the den.
Dad will dust the cobwebs in the den.
Bob got a sunfish with his rod.
Bob got a sunfish with his rod.
Jim is upset about the loss.
Jim is upset about the loss.
Ben had catnip for the tomcat.
Ben had catnip for the tomcat.
Sid did not want to miss the sunset.
Sid did not want to miss the sunset.