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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The zebra is ______ (short) than the giraffe
The zebra is shorter than the giraffe
The snake is _______ (slow) than the giraffe
The bear is ______ (strong) than the snake
The bear is stronger than the snake
The monkey is _______ (small) than the kangaroo
The monkey is smaller than the kangaroo
The desert is ________ (hot) than the rainforest.
The desert is hotter than the rainforest.
The bear is _______ (bad) than the tortoise
The bear is worse than the tortoise
The kangaroo is _____ (good) than the monkey.
The kangaroo is better than the monkey
The lion is _____ (heavy) than the monkey
The lion is heavier than the monkey
The giraffe is _____ (tall) than the snake
The giraffe is taller than the snake
A snake is ____ (light) than a camel
A snake is lighter than a camel
The elephant is ________ (big) than the zebra
The elephant is bigger than the zebra
The cheetah is ________ (fast) than the tortoise
Cheetah is faster than the tortoise