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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do we use the present simple? To talk about... what?
Routines and things that are always true.
What categories of adjectives have we learnt?
Comparative and superlative adjectives
What's this?
A printer
What are these?
What's this?
A coach
Which is the formula for the present perfect in positive and negative sentences?
Positive: Subject + have/has + verb in the past participle form (3rd column) - Negative: S + haven't/hasn't + verb in the past participle form (3rd column)
When do we use the present perfect? To talk about... what?
General past experiences with no specific mention of time.
How many types of "future" do we have?
3: "be going to", "will" and "present continuous for future"
Is there something wrong here? "The food is gooder here than in the other restaurant."
Yes, you don't say gooder, you say better
Why do we use the past simple?
To talk about finished actions that happened in the past
What are the 3 characteristics of irregular verbs?
They don't change - They change completely - They change partially
How can you make REGULAR VERBS?
Adding -ed, -d or -ied
Which is the formula we use for the past simple in positive and negative sentences?
Positive: Subject + verb in the past simple (2nd column) / Negative: Subject + didn't + verb in the infinite
VERB "TO BE": What verbs do we use for the past simple in positive and negative sentences?
Positive: was/were - Negative: wasn't/weren't