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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Car tyres are made of .....
Describe the word 'ecosystem'
All of the plants and animals in an area.
The Iberian Lynx is an ......... It might disappear soon.
Endangered species.
________ is the amount of CO2 we create.
Carbon footprint
When there's no water for a long time, there's a ......
Describe the word 'flood'
A flood is when there is too much water on land which is normally dry.
I don't need to eat. I ate breakfast an hour ago. I ______________ breakfast (already).
I have already eaten breakfast.
I finished my homework a moment ago. I _____________________ my homework (just)
I have just finished my homework.
This class started an hour ago. I ______________ an hour (for).
I have been in class for an hour.
Houses are more expensive now than before. Houses _____________ a lot cheaper 20 years ago. (USED)
Houses used to be a lot cheaper 20 years ago.
Nobody is as helpful as you! You're _________ person I know!
You're the most helpful person I know!
Cycling to work is cheaper than driving. Cycling isn't ____________ driving.
Cycling isn't as expensive as driving.
The rivers in the Amazon aren't as polluted as before. The rivers in the Amazon are less _________ _____ before.
The rivers in the Amazon are less polluted than before.
The earth is warmer than before because of global warming. The earth isn't _______ before.
The earth isn't as cold as before.