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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He ... (see) an elephant in the zoo.
He saw an elephant in the zoo.
A week ago I ... (read) a new book.
A week ago I read a new book.
We ... (eat) pasta for lunch.
We ate pasta for lunch.
I ... (hear) a cool song!
I heard a cool song!
Last year Jack ... (swim) in the Atlantic ocean.
Last year Jack swam in the Atlantic ocean.
I ... (sleep) a lot last weekend.
I slept a lot last weekend.
Victoria ... (write) a letter to her grandparents.
Victoria wrote a letter to her grandparents.
I .... (find) an interesting rock on the beach.
I found an interesting rock on the beach.
Mom ... (buy) me a new t-shirt.
Mom bought me a new t-shirt.
Anna ... (give) me a great present.
Anna gave me a great present.
Jim ... (sit) down on the floor.
Jim sat down on the floor.
We .... (fly) by plane to Italy.
We flew by plane to Italy.
She ... (drink) an orange juice.
She drank an orange juice.
He ... (run) to catch the bus.
He ran to catch the bus.