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Complete PET for Schools - Unit 1 Revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Some people watch / are watching too much TV.
watch (Why?)
The weather gets / is getting better this month.
is getting (Why?)
My mum learns / is learning Japanese at the moment.
is learning (Why?)
My little brother grows / is growing very quickly this year.
is growing (Why?)
Most police officers wear / are wearing a uniform for work.
wear (Why?)
Sergio often misses / is missing the bus on Monday mornings.
misses (Why?)
My sister hates/ is hating TV programmes about history.
hates (Why?)
The supermarket opens / is opening at 10 o'clock on Sundays.
opens (Why?)
All the players know / are knowing that the match is tomorrow.
know (Why?)
We can't go out because it snows / is snowing today.
is snowing (Why?)
Put the words in order to make a correct sentence: every/ Some/ read / the/ people / newspaper / day / almost
Some people read the newspaper almost every day.
Put the words in order to make a correct sentence: takes / hardly / on / He / holiday / photos / ever
He hardly ever takes photos on holiday.
Put the words in order to make a correct sentence: mornings/ They / home / never / the / are / at / in
They are never home in the mornings.
Put the words in order to make a correct sentence: questions / She / ask / often / class / doesn't / in
She doesn't often ask questions in class. OR She doesn't ask questions in class often.
Put the words in order to make a correct sentence: year / go / once / I / skiing / a
I go skiing once a year. OR Once a year I go skiing.
Put the words in order to make a correct sentence: in / eat / They / restaurant / a / occasionally
They occasionally eat in a restaurant.
Put the words in order to make a correct sentence: take / days / dog / I / the / park / to / my / most
I take my dog to the park most days.
Put the words in order to make a correct sentence: a / I / good / day / every / breakfast / eat
I eat a good breakfast every day.
Marta usually eats with Nerea at/in/on her birthday.
There's a clock at/in/on the wall in the kitchen.
I left my bus pass at/in/on home, so I had to walk into town.
I arrived late at/in/on the evening after swimming practice.
We went to play baseball at/in/on the park.
You'll find the toilets down the corridor at/in/on the right.
I love to go walking at/in/on spring when it's not too hot.
I'll see you at/in/on six o'clock outside the cinema.