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Break Time

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do you read
I read in the library
I read in the playground
I read in the computer room
Where do you rest?
I rest in the playground
I rest in the library
I rest in the computer room
Where do you run?
I run in the playground
Where do you draw?
I draw in the classroom
I draw in the first aid room
I draw in the car park
Where do you eat lunch?
I eat lunch in the canteen
I eat lunch in the playground
I eat lunch in the principal's office
Where do you play?
I play in the playground
What do you do in the afternoon break?
I chat
What do you do in the afternoon break?
I rest
What do you do in the morning break?
I run
What do you do in the morning break?
I play
What do you do in the lunch break?
I sleep
What do you do in the morning break?
I draw
What do you do in the afternoon break?
I read
What do you do in the lunch break?
I eat lunch
Do you like table tennis?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
Dou play basketball in the lunch break?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
What do you do in the afternoon break?
I play chess
I chess
What do you do in the morning break?
I play badminton
I badminton
What do you do in the morning break?
I play football
I football
Choose the best answer:
Break time
English lesson
Music class
Choose the best answer:
Lunch Break
Morning Break
Afternoon Break
Choose the best answer:
Morning Break
Lunch Break
Afternoon Break
What game is it?
What game is it?
What game is it?
What game is it?
Hide and Seek
What game is it?
Blind's Man Bluff
What game is it?
What game is it?
What game is it?
Table Tennis