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If conditions are not favorable, what will happen with plasmogamy?
It will be delayed until conditions improve.
How many ascospores are produced initially and how many are found in a mature ascus?
4, 8
What occurs when nuclei fuse?
What is the layer where asci reside?
What is an ascus?
Specialized single-celled sporangium in Ascomycota
What are the names of the male and female gametangia?
Antheridium and Ascogonium
What does a plasmogamy create?
Two separate haploid nuclei that are twice their normal size. Characteristic of dikaryotic cells.
What is it called when the protoplasm of cell fuses, but not the nuclei?
What occurs within the ascorcarp?
Sexual reproduction and spore dispersal
What is an ascocarp or ascoma?
Fruiting body (mushroom) of an ascomycete
What is the life cycle of true fungi and what is unique about it?
Haplontic with distinct dikaryotic phase (n+n)
What type of consumers are fungi and how do they get their food?
Heterotrophs, secrete enzymes which breaks down organic matter which can then be absorbed.
What is the mycelium of true fungi made out of?
Septate hyphae
What is the common name for acomycetes?
Sac/cup fungi
List three features of true fungi
Closed mitosis, decomposers, break down lignin via cellulase, have hyphae, reproduce via spores, and chitin in cell walls.
Why is fungi important? List three.
Food source, medicine, lichenized fungi, yeast for cultivating food/beverages, mycorrhizal symbiosis, rusts, smuts, and mycosis.
What are the two types of mutualistic relationships that form in fungi?
Lichen symbiosis and mycorrhizal symbiosis
What are the two informal groups of fungi?
Deuteromycetes and yeasts
What is the ploidy of dikaryotic hyphae?