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Chapter 5 The Fur Trade

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Why did the Europeans trade?
The Europeans traded to make money, or profit.
Why did the American Indians trade with others?
The Ojibwe and Dakota traded for what they needed or wanted.
Why did the Dakota and Ojibwe want man-made goods, and why did Europeans want furs?
Dakota and Ojibwe wanted man-made goods because they made life simpler and provided things that were status symbols in the community, such as colorful beads, t
Attending the rendezvous at Grand Portage and Fort William to trade pelts happened in which season?
Gift-giving to Native Americans to be able to keep trading with them happened in which season?
Hunting for deer, bear, muskrats and beaver happened in which season?
Transporting trade goods to fur trading posts happened in which season?
People who helped traders talk and negotiate with the Ojibwe and Dakota peoples were...
Men who hunted and trapped animals for meat and furs to trade were...
A workman who performed the physical labor of the fur trade, including transporting beaver pelts and trade goods by canoe was a...
People who could read and write and were in charge of trading posts were...
Dakota or Ojibwe women who turned the animal hides into valuable pelts for trade were...
Pelt preparers
People who provided clothing and food the traders needed to survive the winter were...
An American Indian hired to help voyageurs and fur traders find their way through unfamiliar lands was a...
True or False: American Indians never traded before the Europeans arrived.
True or False: The traders only came from Europe.
True or False: Most furs were transported by horses along the trade route.
True or False: In the summer, traders, clerks, voyageurs, and some American Indians met at the “rendezvous” to exchange furs and goods.
True or False: Europeans valued expensive beaver pelt hats as a symbol of social status.
True or False: The American Indians only gave Europeans trade goods.