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Cinderella Man

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According to Jimmy, why didn't he eat the day of the fight?
There was no soup left in the line
Why is Jimmy given an opportunity for another boxing match? Why does he take it despite the odds against him?
It's a one-time comeback. He takes it because there's a lot of money to be earned from it.
Why does Braddock go on government assistance? Why do you think he was reluctant?
He didn't want to split up his family. He was reluctant because of his pride.
What factors motivate Mae to send the kids away?
She can't afford to keep them warm or get them medication when they're sick.
After Braddock breaks his hand boxing, what is he forced to do to make money?
He covers up the cast and goes to work at the docks
Why did his son steal the salami? What did his dad promise him after he forces him to take the salami back to the butcher?
He was afraid of being sent away. His dad promises to never send him away.
What does Mae do to help increase the amount of milk?
Uses a little milk and a lot of water.
What evidence is there of great financial issues facing the family?
Can't afford milk, past due bills, no food.
How have things changed by September of 1933?
Clothes aren't as nice, 1 bedroom apartment, lack of food.
How would you describe the living conditions in 1928?
Classy and extravagant
In what year does the movie begin?
What is the final result of the championship between Jim Braddock and Max Baer?
The judges make James the champion by a unanimous decision.
Where does Mae go before Braddock's championship fight? What does she realize while she is there?
Mae goes to church to pray for James and sees that the community is in there doing the same thing.
During the press conference for the championship, what does Braddock say he is fighting for this time round and what do you think it means?
Braddock says that he is fighting for "milk" this time meaning that he's fighting to be financially stable and be able to feed his family.
Explain what "Hooverville" was and describe how it is displayed in the movie?
A "Hooverville" was a makeshift shantytown in New York created by the homeless and was displayed as a dangerous and violent environment.
What did Braddock use as motivation to help win his boxing matches throughout the film?
He reflects on his wife and kids and how poor they're at the moment.
When Mae confronts Joe at his house what does she find out? When Joe steps out of the room, what does Joe's wife say to Mae that relates to how women felt during the Great Depression?
Mae finds out Joe sold his furniture so that James can train and his wife tells Mae that she has to let the men do their jobs.
When Braddock's trainer Joe offers Jim another fight after winning the first, how does Jim's wife Mae react and why does she react that way?
She's happy but is also angry at Joe because she doesn't want to see James get hurt again.
Why does Braddock have such a strong reputation with the crowd and people of New York when he returns to boxing after his hand injury?
People were shocked to see him return and he still had the same respect from everyone.
Why does Braddock become upset when he finds out his wife sent the kids away to her family? What does he do to get his kids back?
James becomes agitated because he promised his son that he'd never send him away and decides to go start fighting again.
After working the docks, Jim Braddock and his co-worker Mike Wilson discuss the situation of the Great Depression. How do BOTH Braddock and Wilson view the situation?
They both lost their money in the stock market.
What type of job does Braddock work during the Great Depression?
Braddock was working at the docks and his broken hand prevented him from working consistently.