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What's New at the Zoo?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What text feature gives information about a photo?
Why do you think some people think zoos are bad?
Some people think that animals should never be caught and used for entertainment. They think that wild animals should always live in the wild.
Where can you find one of the oldest zoos?
In the past, how were gorillas chosen for the zoos?
They were caught, taken from their mothers and sold to zoos.
They were sick, and vets took them to zoos to get help.
People voted on which animals they wanted to have in the zoo
What does the word, marvel, mean on page 16? What clue helps you understand the meaning?
to look at something and think it is amazing and wonderful
a group of superheros
to feed healthy food
to talk to
After reading page 16, what is the writer's point of view of modern zoos?
The writer likes modern zoos because they care for animals, teach others about wildlife and keep animals healthy and happy.
Why did animals die in zoos of the past?
They died because people didn't know how to feed them or care for them properly.
Why do you think the author compared zoos from the past to zoos of today?
By comparing the two, the author showed the need for change.
What would you expect to learn on pages 9-11?
I would learn about how the zoos prepare living areas that are like the animals' natural environments.
How do you think zoos can ensure the survival of a species?
The zoo animals are protected from predators, given healthy foods and are provided the proper habitats to live and reproduce with the help of the zoo workers.
What message is the author trying to teach you?
Zoos have improved since the 1800s because they know how to care for wildlife.
How do we make the word plural? spy
How do we make the word plural? way
How do we make the word plural? tray
How do we make the word plural? candy
How do we make the word plural? fly
How do we make the word plural? play
How do we make this word plural? baby
On what page can I learn about why we need zoos?
Which of the following animals can NOT be seen at Bronx Zoo?
polar bear
Which of the following jobs is NOT zookeeper or veterinarian's job?
deciding which animals will be at the zoo
moving animals to a bigger area
deciding which animals will be at the zoo
turning up the air conditioners for the penquins
Which of the following is NOT a rare animal at the Bronx Zoo?
African Elephant
Indian Rhinoceros
Asian Elephant
Red Panda