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Football drill terminology

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‘Look behind and around’ in short it is said...
Check shoulders
‘Help our defenders’ Return to defensive positions. In short it is said...
Track back’
A shot that is kicked from underneath the ball to provide some arc for it to go over the opponent.
Chip shot. Chipping
the act of keeping the ball off the ground by using any part of the body except the hands and arms
Transferring the ball to a teammate with one single touch when a pass is received
First-time ball
The plastic or metallic bumps on the sole of football shoes. Also used for the shoes themselves.
Type of shirt used in training sessions. They are used to divide the group in different teams.
Controlling the ball with the sole of the foot.
Trapping the Ball
Use of the toe to strike the ball.
Toe poke
To take the ball away from the opponent using the feet
An instruction given by the teammates of a player for them to kick the ball with full power to get it away.
Boot it
When a player passes the ball to a teammate, who immediately one-touch passes the ball back to the first player.
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