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R3 Staff - Who are we?

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Which R3 staff member has sung in 3 musicals and sung the National Anthem at many sporting events?
Which R3 staff member played with mannequin heads in high school for 2 years?
Who has walked 2 kilometres vertically?
Which staff member has eaten scorpion?
Which staff members are allergic to horses?
Nicole and Adrian
Which R3 staff members have ridden a camel?
Nicole & Kelly
Who is the Assistant House Leader for Green House?
Thea Whitmore
What instruments can Adrian play? There are 4 of them.
Flute, Clarinet, Guitar & Piano
How many languages can Adrian speak?
4 - English, Auslan, French & German
Who is this person and what role does he have?
Gary Hodge - Felltimber Assistant Principal
Who is this person and what role does he have?
Steve Fouracre and he is an Assistant Principal at Felltimber.
What does Steph like to do in her spare time?
Mountain Biking and running. She is very competitive and a great team player.
What is this person's name?
Steph Eagle
Who is the House Leader of Nangwiya?
Michelle Butters
What is the name of Green House? It starts with a N
Nangwiya and it means Long Necked Turtle in the Dhudhuroa language.
Who cares for Sarge outside of school?
Rachael and you can find her in the Wellbeing office.
What is the name of our school dog?
What is this ladies name? What is her job?
Maree Cribbes - our Principal of both Felltimber and Huon.
Who is this lady and where would you find her?
Sarah Kilner, she is the AP and she is in the office at both Felltimber and Huon.
Who is this person? What does he do?
Andrew Wallace. He is the Red House Leader at WMYC
What did Kelly want to do when she grew up?
Be a dolphin trainer.
Who used to teach Karate for 5 years?
Nicole when she trained at the Fighting Fitness Gym